All accepted and registered full papers will be published in Springer and Taylor & Francis book series indexed in Web of science/ UGC-Care and/or Scopus. Registration will be confirmed after getting the registration details and payment proof towards the conference within deadline.
The initial draft of the paper can be submitted in a generic format of the conference. Journal name and publication details will be provided to the participant only after the acceptance of the paper in the conference. The authors are expected to submit the camera ready copy as per the prescribed format of the respective journal suggested by the Program Committee Members during acceptance notification.

The best papers from the normal and special session tracks will be published in Scopus indexed journal. This decision will be based on the quality of paper decided by the PD2024 PC committee only.

Details of the journals

  • International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (IJMCDN)
    ISSN: 2040-106X (Print)
    ISSN: 2040-1078 (Online)
    Indexed in Scopus, and UGC-CARE list –II
  • International Journal of Decision Support Systems
    ISSN: 2050-6988 (Print)
    ISSN: 2050-6996 (Online)
    Indexed in Scopus, and UGC-CARE list –II
  • ASEAN Engineering Journal (Part-A)
    ISSN 2229-127X (Online)
    Indexed in Scopus and UGC-CARE list –II

Submission Guidelines

  • Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research work.
  • Plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have presented entirely original works, and if the authors have used the research articles of others, they should cite the work properly.
  • AI content similarity: The usage of ChatGPT and/or any other AI content generation tool is not allowed and AI similarity report will also be generated to analyse the originality of the content.
  • Multiple or concurrent publication: An author should not publish articles describing the same research work in more than one journal or conference proceedings.
  • Acknowledgement of sources: An acknowledgment of the work of others must always be revealed.
  • Use of images or case details of clinical trial: Studies on patients require ethics committee approval and informed consent, which should be documented in the paper.
  • Submission of paper must be original and should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication. All papers will be sent for peer review and the corresponding author will be notified of the outcome of the review process.