PROMETHEE Days 2024- An International Conference on Multi-criteria Approaches in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Management
The PROMETHEE multi-criteria methods have been created by Prof. Jean-Pierre Brans (JPB) in 1982 along with Bertrand Mareschal. As of today, more than 4200 PROMETHEE-related papers have been published worldwide by more than 5600 authors, covering a wide area of methodological developments and applications. The first International conference devoted to the PROMETHEE methods was organized in January 2014 in Brussels by Prof. Cathy Macharis (VUB, Belgium). It was followed by a second conference organized in January 2015 by Prof. Yves De Smet (ULB, Belgium). The third conference was organized by Prof. Jean-Philippe Waaub (UQAM, Canada) in Montréal in May 2016. PROMETHEE Days 2017 was organized by Prof. Alessio Ishizaka as a stand-alone conference at the University of Portsmouth (UK). PROMETHEE Days 2018 was organized by Prof. Jason Papathanasiou (University of Macedonia, GR) in Heraklion (GR) in May 2018, together with the ICDSST 2018 meeting of the EWG-DSS (EURO Working Group on Decision Support Systems).
PROMETHEE Days 2019 was organized by Prof. Niksa Jajac (University of Split) in Split, Croatia in May 2019. PROMETHEE Days 2020 was organized by Prof. Abdeslam Dahman Saïdi (Targa-AIDE, MA) in Rabat (MA) in June 2020. PROMETHEE Days 2021 was organized by Prof. Jason Papathanasiou (University of Macedonia, GR) in Thessaloniki (GR) in 2021. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the PROMETHEE Conference is making a comeback. This year, the Department of Technology at Savitribai Phule Pune University will host the PROMETHEE Days 2024 in December, under the leadership of Prof. Aditya Abhyankar.
The details of the previous PROMETHEE Days workshops/conferences are available at https://bertrand.mareschal.web.ulb.be/PD2k/history.html